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Let me help you find your path.

Do you feel lost, confused, stuck in the same old relationship patterns, or paralyzed by decisions? Nagged by constant health issues or just a general sense that something isn’t quite right? Maybe you even know what it is you want to change, but you can’t seem to do it?


Many people are familiar with the seemingly spiritual Sun sign horoscope in local newspapers and fashion magazines, that most people write off astrology as an ancient divination technique like reading crystal balls, tarot...etc.


More than just a way to understand your personality, astrology is a powerful tool you can use to transform your life.


Deepen your self-awareness & reconnect with your inner knowing.


Astrological counseling can help show where your natural gifts and abilities , predict timings of ease and flow for taking action & show karmic lessons we choose to experience in this life.


What is an Astrological Counselor Actually Doing?


Since my approach to astrology is psycho-spiritual, not predictive, my principle task is to be supportive (counseling) rather than directive (as in a reading).  Quite frequently, clients request for the astrologer to enter the directive role, which conveys the astrologer is an oracle with all of the answers.  


I engage with my clients in an open-ended conversation for greater spiritual self-inquiry and discussion of the lessons one is experiencing.


The goal is to normalize and humanize spiritual development, to actually relieve stress by portraying a broader trajectory of evolution.

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